Well, after constantly nagging a friend to start keeping track of all the funny things his toddler was saying, I decided I should do the same. Greta is really becoming self-aware, and the things she comes up with -- along with her tantrum triggers -- are pretty interesting (to us, at least). We can also use this blog to update family on what's happening in our lives.
Just a short starter, today we had dance class with Greta's friends Katie and Maggie. Greta refused to take her leotard and tights off all day, which ultimately led to impromptu dance performances throughout Trader Joe's. We officially have a performer on our hands, better to live out my unrealized talents, ha ha!
Other new discoveries and tricks:
*ask every passerby "What's your name?" without ever revealing yours.
*after seeing word with "oo" in it on a Jeopardy clue: "two Os sound like ooh, ooh."
*"do monkeys talk?" (asked in connection with a cartoon)
*we can't wear pants with pockets right now....
Meanwhile, Johnny is a dream baby, very smiley and easygoing. Can't put this little dude in daycare -- he's so mellow, he'd get ignored. So, we've decided to hire a nanny to watch him and Greta when I return to work in June. We'll see how it goes....