Friday, July 11, 2008


Very cool story on NPR yesterday about North Carolina state employee L.F. Eason, who refused to lower the flag at his state-run laboratory in honor of late Sen. Jesse Helms. Eason was Director of the lab, and because the lab's work was so closely identified with him, he simply couldn't stomach the idea of honoring someone who voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the MLK Jr. national holiday (Helms also never recanted his position against racial integration, unlike Strom Thurman -- who, of course, may have had other reasons for doing so). Because of this "insubordination," Eason was forced to retire early. You can listen to his interview here.

On an unrelated note (fair warning, bragging about to happen), I was playing Mozart's Sonata in C Major on the piano tonight (what I could remember of it), and Greta urgently remarked that she saw this song on Baby Mozart. We watched the video, and sure enough, it was the opening tune. Coincidence? Dunno, but I am very happy that she appreciates music.

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