Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Oh, how the mighty have fallen

Most people think the news about John Edwards' affair and alleged love child is a big so what. They say that politicians are known to stray, and who cares about John Edwards anyway -- he's not the nominee. For some reason though, I am fascinated! It's the imagery, I suppose, of Edwards running away from reporters in a hotel and becoming "ashen"-faced while trapped in a bathroom and confronted with what reporters from the National Enquirer (who, by the way, continue to break stories about this issue) were saying about him. Also intriguing is the pointlessnes, and potential harm to the child, of Edwards' failure to admit that he is the father of Rielle Hunter's baby. His lawyerly parsing in the recent Nightline interview just stinks to high heaven. Come on John, man up!

Update: Check out's posts on the Edwards scandal. The most comprehensive rendering of the story on the interweb

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