Thursday, July 3, 2008

monsters inc.

Great movie, bad idea watching it with a 3-year-old. Greta now no longer wants to sleep in her room after a couple of nightmares which made her jump from her bed screaming "Monsters, Monsters!" at the top of her lungs. Because I just returned to work, I feel guilty enough to let her sleep in the portacrib upstairs in our bedroom. But give this girl an inch, and she'll take a trip around the world! She's now conning her way into our bed, throwing tantrums when we don't let her sleep there (claiming I'm in "her spot"). Did we explain to her that monsters exist only in cartoons? Check. Did we use our imaginary "spray" to clear her room of monsters each night? Check. Did we double her up with the baby so she has company at night? Um, no, we're not insane (if you could hear the chatterfest that is Greta, you'd understand why she and a quiet, sleeping baby mix about as well as anchovies and ice cream). Ah, well, we should just relax and enjoy her company -- this won't go on forever, will it?

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